Welcome to EntomoBiotics Inc.
This website describes the work being done at EntomoBiotics Inc., the services we provide our customers and clients, and the products we manufacture and sell. Soon it will include a shopping cart and purchasing center for our on-line visitors.
EntomoBiotics Inc. also sponsors several websites devoted to assembling information on animal and plant life on the North American Continent. Often, the materials displayed on these websites are provided by viewers, who seek more information on an organism or botanical they have found and photographed or otherwise described. We invite inputs and inquiries of this nature, which may be e-mailed directly to us via [email protected].
Our website devoted to North American Animal Life is BugsInTheNews.Info. This is our updated version of our original website, at www.bugsinthenews.com, whose content is slowly being rearranged and moved to the new site. On this website are found monographs on insects, spiders, snakes, mammals, etc. We invite comments, critiques, and–above all–new content.
Because we love the botanical world so much, we devoted much space on the original www.bugsinthenews.com to discussions on wildflowers and plant life. However, we noticed that these discussions were dwarfed by those on animals, and in the new format, adding taxonomical categories for the Plantae interfered with the listings on Animalia. This led us to create a new website, BudsInTheNews.Info, devoted strictly to plant life. On this website are found monographs on trees, wildflowers, vines, etc. As with our other websites we invite comments, critiques, and–above all–new content.
Jerry Cates
President & CEO
EntomoBiotics Inc.